Campaign Coalition

Protect the People's Voice is a non-partisan campaign formed in April 2024 to educate Johnson City residents about the anti-democratic questions the City Commission has put on the August 1, 2024 ballot.

Current coalition partners include:

If your organization is interested in joining the coalition to demand accountability and transparency in our city government, reach out to the campaign at

Keep Accountability and Transparency in Our City Government

Beat These Ballot Questions with Us!

  1. Vote NO on all four ballot questions
  2. Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about these ballot questions
  3. Help get the word out in Johnson City by volunteering with the Protect the People’s Voice campaign
  4. Are you press? Reach out to us here

Join the fight:

Election Day: August 1, 2024Early Voting: July 12-27Register to vote by July 1

Early Voting Times & LocationsVoter Registration

Protect the People's Voice Campaign Coalition Partners:
Northeast TN Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Pride Community and Education Center Ride JC Tri Cities Mutual Aid Washington County TN Democratic Party
Paid for by Protect the People’s Voice — Kate Craig, Treasurer